| 1 | B. | | Public Utilities Board | Consider recommending the adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Bond Equipment Company, Inc., through the Buy Board Cooperative Network Contract No. 723-23, for the purchase and repair of Battle Motors Refuse Trucks for the Fleet Services Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8721 - awarded to Bond Equipment Company, Inc., for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $18,690,000.00). | | |
| 1 | C. | | Public Utilities Board | Consider recommending adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Industrial Power, LLC, through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Cooperative Program Contract Nos. 230405, 230802, and 230803 for the purchase and repairs of truck and trailer parts for the Fleet Services Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 8722 - awarded to Industrial Power, LLC, for one (1) year, with the option for four (4) additional one (1) year extensions, in the total five (5) year not-to-exceed amount of $19,477,500.00). | | |
| 1 | D. | | Public Utilities Board | Management Reports
1. FM 1515 Project Memo
2. Future Agenda Items
3. New Business Action Items | | |
| 1 | A. | | Public Utilities Board | Consider approval of the January 13, 2025 minutes. | | |