Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton providing for the abandonment, relinquishment, and quitclaim of a public utility easement approximately a total of 0.0597-acres, situated in the W. Neil Survey, Abstract Number 971, recorded by County Clerk document number 2000-44331, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas granted to the City of Denton by Denton Area Teachers Credit Union; providing for the quitclaim thereof to CDI Cedar, LLC, a Texas limited liability company; providing for the terms and conditions of the abandonment and quitclaim made herein; providing for the conveyance of a new easement to the City of Denton and the relocation of existing facilities; providing for the indemnification of the City of Denton against damages arising out of the abandonment herein; providing for consideration to be paid to the City of Denton; providing for a future effective date for the abandonment, relinquishment and quitclaim made herein; providing for the payment of the publication...